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24 November 2008



Hey! I'm a little late finding out about this, but I read your announcement on craftster.org earlier tonight and went scrambling to take some photos of some bobby pins I decorated not too long ago. Sadly the photos didn't turn out the best, but I added them to the flickr group and I've also posted a pretty detailed blog about how I made the pins & why they're so special to me - http://etsysrippingitdown.blogspot.com/2008/12/bobby-pins-flickr.html

I didn't make them on the same types of pins - I used standard bobby pins (which was a serious pain!) but I hope to make more in the future using proper supplies! I'm glad I know of a supplier now :)

By the way, Happy New Year!

Dave at Rings & Things

Hi, Hilari, please follow me on Twitter so I can send you a Direct Message. :-) I have some nice news. -- Dave

Dave Robertson

Hi, glad to hear we treated you right! That's a big priority for us. How cool to run a contest with our supplies...I look forward to seeing the winners.

Take care,

at Rings & Things


you can glue cowrie shells on them. I love wearing cowrie shells in my hair.


Thank you for sharing the pins and details. I've been thinking about toying around with hair pins. I bought some for a customer's child and she really like them. They were covered with really pretty fabric. Take care, Carmen of EAOC

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