I've been scanning old photos and it occurred to me to do that with all bits of paper I'm "saving" for records. Currently I have these two file boxes that I keep my tax records, warranties and all that kind of crap in. If I scanned everything and kept it on flash drives, that would help simplify my life.
Zen Habits has a great list of ideas simplifying your life. I'm going to give some of the ideas a try. Miss Minimalist also has a good list. I know my life works better when it's simpler, so why is it so hard to make it so?
Youre welcome!
Posted by: Hilari | 07 October 2010 at 11:17 AM
I love Zen Habits! I wonder if this is where I first read about it. If so - thanks Hilari!
Posted by: Stefani | 07 October 2010 at 09:46 AM