I've wished for a long time that there was a way to showcase an Etsy treasury or list of favorites. Then someone posted a link to Treasure Trove on Twitter and voila! A dream answered. Here I am testing it out because the code it generated was wicked long!
BTW, there is so much I'm loving about the new treasuries. First they do not expire. Second I can update them constantly. Third, they are more attractive. Fourth, they are searchable - type in hats, purple in the treasury search and there you go! Fifth, you can set your treasury to private until you're ready for it to go live. However, what I don't like is that they are somehow more difficult to weed through. You can't jump ahead to page 278 if you want to. You can't change the order by curator, only "hot" and "created" date. They also don't expire - even the ones that are incomplete. I think if your Treasury has fewer items than two rows of items, it should be expired after 24-36 hours, unless it is not on public view. Since I tend to shop via treasury, this has been a shift to the boring. I'd like to get to see the treasuries languishing away in the middle of the 5500 pages, but I can't. Only the hot and less hot, the new and old show up.
Generated using Treasure Trove by packagery.com
Go ahead, test all the links. See all the coolness! Make a comment or two cuz I think this is one of my more rockingest treasuries and I'd love more people to see it!